Paying It Forward

Last week, I received a custom order request for a painted stone in honor of a deceased Army Veteran. The woman who placed the order explained that her father was going to be honored in a “Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund In Memory Ceremony” in June. She asked for an “Army Angel” and patriotic colors.

After a bit of back-and-forth on ideas, I came up with the following design and sent a photo to the lady.

Army Angel Memorial Rock

Army Angel Memorial Rock

She immediately wrote back: “I love it!” I then decided to text a photo of the rock to my father, who is a retired Army officer. After seeing the image and hearing the story, my father said, “I want to pay for the rock in honor of the lady’s father.” He was firm about this. I refunded the lady’s charges and told her why.

This is her response: “I’m in tears Laura...truly crying!! I don’t know what to say. This touches my heart like you cannot believe. From one Army brat to another, thank you! A thousand thank yous!! I absolutely LOVE IT!!! And a huge thanks to your sweet and generous dad for the kind gesture. Please pass along my gratitude to him for his kindness, and secondly, for his service. Thanks again!”

I admit to being teary-eyed myself. With one simple gesture, my father brought a bright moment to the life of a perfect stranger, and at the same time brought honor to the lives of all fallen military heroes.

Pay it forward! Nothing can be more rewarding.